To him, his travel adventures are only completed with the scents of the places. He believed that every moment in a new place had a particular unique flavor that combined many diverse original odors and compared to no other. That is precisely what he wanted to capture and give to the world: a single most delicate perfumed moment in a unique one-of-a-kind place at a specific time of the day.
Those moments were engrained in his memory for life and he offered them to the world in several distinct fragrances that spoke volumes of perfume.
With a heart as pure as gold, a humble traveling bag and a notebook, Alfred’s travels opened his eyes to a passion he had not expected; his soul was captivated by characteristic smells, which he would descriptively jot down in his journal in order to immortalize. The way Alfred spoke of the scents, the places in which he smelled them and the experiences that came along with each was exceptional. He even kept a timestamp for every scent.
His fondness of scents grew beyond flowers; Alfred was fascinated by different plants, oils, spices, skins, soils, materials and almost everything that emits an odor detectable by the human nose.
Today, Alfred continues to roam the world, exploring new scents in every outlandish space he’s in.
His quest is continuously evolving and he’s choosing to share it with humankind as he still believes in the magic of the world and in the magic of unique fragrances.